Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Puppet Stage (a dream)

Here is a dream from last night.

I was wandering around a large interior structure. I didn’t seem to have a purpose other than exploring a place I was unfamiliar with. There were other people around, but I think I was walking by myself. I can’t remember most of it. There is only one particular thing I can recall clearly.

There was a large stage and seating area. I think there were many peole there, but I don’t specifically remember them. At the back of the seating area, there was another smaller stage-like structure, and by smaller I mean not normal human-sized. This is the confusing part. I don’t know which stage I saw first, but I think it might’ve been the smaller one. I think I didn’t even realize it was a stage at first.

Now for the truly strange part. The small stage had something like pupets on it. I went to investigate. I think that might be when I became aware of the larger stage. It seemed as if the two stages were connected, and I suddenly worried that what I did on the smaller stage would be seen on the larger stage.

Isn’t that wacky? The puppets were influencing (controlling?) the people on the stage. Also, the real people on the (real?) stage were just as vague as the puppets.

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